Welcome to HPAL
Expert palliative care information with links to local services to support clinicians and healthcare workers across North West London
Recent Articles
Article categoriesRadiotherapy skin reactions: Information for clinicians
Guidance on managing the skin impact of radiotherapy
Haemorrhage from malignant wounds
How to manage surface bleeding or erosion into a major blood vessel
Driving and medications: Information for clinicians
What to advise patients about driving when prescribing analgesics or anxiolytics
Explaining grief
A description of the most common experiences of grief following a bereavement
How to assess a patient in pain towards the end of life: Information for clinicians
An approach to assessing physical pain in palliative care
Constipation: Information for clinicians
How should I best manage constipation in a patient with advancing illness? Advice from a senior palliative physician
Hiccups: Information for clinicians
Aetiology and management in palliative care patients
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Organ Donation
How to donate organs, exclusions for donations and further information for patients
Update on the role of doctors after a death at home
Changes in death certification since September 9th 2024
Flying Safely
Helping patients with air travel including towards the end of life
Malignant wounds
An approach to managing wounds caused by cancer