Financial help when you are living with a terminal illness

Being ill is expensive. You need to know which benefits you are entitled to claim as soon as you have a diagnosis of a serious illness because there is no legal right for benefits to be backdated. 

GOV UK summarises what is available. Your local Citizens Advice can also help you navigate the system. The Marie Curie website is a really comprehensive guide to benefits.

Many local carer services will also provide benefits and financial advice - see Carers Services in your area.

Headlines for those under 65 years of age
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit for people of working age (16-65) with disabilities, or those who are terminally ill, who need help with daily living activities or help getting around, or both. You can claim it whether you're working or not. PIP isn’t means tested or taxed. The highest weekly rate is currently £184.30, if help is needed for daily living and mobility tasks.
  • Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) is usually paid up to 28 weeks of sickness for people who are working when they get ill.
  • Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) is usually paid after Statutory Sick pay has stopped if still unable to work.
  • You can also apply for Universal Credit to get help with your living costs if you’re on a low income or out of work
Headlines for those over 65 years of age
  • Attendance Allowance is paid to people over 65, to help with the cost of their care or supervision needs. It isn't means tested and is tax-free. The higher rate of the allowance is currently £108.55.
  • You could get extra Pension Credit, Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction if you get Attendance Allowance
Headlines for care givers
  • If you care for someone for at least 35 hours a week, check if you can get Carer’s Allowance. It is currently £81.90 per week. The person you are caring for must be claiming Personal Independence Payment or Attendance Allowance. You must be earning £151 or less after tax and national Insurance are deducted.
  • Carer's Allowance will continue to be paid for 8 weeks after the death of the person being carerd for
  • If you care for someone at least 20 hours a week and you’re under State Pension age, check if you can get Carer’s Credit.
Special Rules for End of Life (SREL)
  • These forms support your application to be processed quickly, usually at the higher rate and avoid a detailed assessment.
  • An SR1 medical report form can be used if prognosis is thought to be 12 months or less and can give quicker access to 5 benefits - Attendance Allowance, Personal Independence Payment, Universal Credit, Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance.The SR1 form has replaced the DS1500 form.
  • Ask your health professionals (your GP, consultant or palliative/hospice nurse) to complete the SR1 form on your behalf. They can get up to date details about how to support your claim and can order the forms from here.

Helpful National resources:

Marie Curie Support Line 0800 090 2309  -for general financial advice

Macmillan Support Line  0808 808 00 00 - can refer you to specialist Macmillan Money Advisors

Turn2us - a comprehensive website regarding financial support and grants that may be available

Carers Trust - wide range of information for carers - and find your local carers services

Recommended Resources

Macmillan - Benefit and Budget calculator

Published 12th February 2025

Get benefits if you're nearing the end of life

Published 2nd October 2024

Marie Curie - Benefits and finances

Published 2nd October 2024


Related Services

Age UK

Age UK provide information and support on financial, legal, health and wellbeing for older people. They support via their advice line, befriending service and day centres.

Citizens Advice Hounslow

Please contact by telephone.

Opening hours are Monday to Friday 10.00am to 4.00pm.

Macmillan Cancer Support

Macmillan provide cancer information, support and help everyone with cancer live life as fully as they can.

Visit the website to get help with paying bills, advice on benefits or treatment, or to just chat.

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