Delirium: Information for clinicians

Delirium presents with fluctuating attention.There may be obvious confusion or simply altered levels of consciousness or both. Patients may be aroused and agitated or quiet and withdrawn.

Families find this one of the most distressing symptoms to manage at home.

Delirium is often reversible. However if it presents in the final days of life it may be a multi-factorial terminal delirium/agitation and you must consider if reversal is appropriate at this stage of life.

Red flags

Urgent reversible causes such as sepsis, hypoglycaemia, opioid toxicity and hypercalcaemia must be considered. Alcohol withdrawal is also often forgotten.

Key clinical features to assess in the community
  • Assessment of consciousness and mental state 
  • Underlying diagnosis as this may help identify the cause
  • Medication review - opioids and steroids commonly cause delirium
  • Physical examination - Temperature/blood pressure/pulse/oxygen saturations. Signs of infection. Check for constipation, urinary retention. Urinalysis and blood glucose.
  • Urgent blood tests for a metabolic cause (FBC, U&E, LFT, TFTs, calcium)
  • Collateral history is important (depression and dementia are differential diagnoses)
  • Review environmental factors contributing to disorientation (e.g. absence of usual hearing/visual aids, noise levels, lighting, access to a clock, disruption of sleep, multiple carer or venue changes)
An initial approach to treatment
  • Stop or reduce dose of offending drugs
  • Haloperidol 500 micrograms to 3mg oral or subcutaneous (SC) once daily (start with low oral dose) if required to calm the agitated patient (if they are a risk to self) whilst trying to identify a reversible cause. Repeat after 2 hours, if necessary 
  • Maintain hydration, oral nutrition and mobility if possible
  • Consider simple interventions such as 1-1 care if possible from staff or family, a calmer environment, lighting, familiar surroundings or objects
  • Consider more specific treatments according to cause - see table below
  • A tool for the identification of delirium may help Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) 
Key Points
  • Do contact the local specialist palliative care team for more specific advice 
  • Lower starting doses of sedatives  in frail elderly
  • Sedation is often more difficult to achieve if there is a history of alcohol or substance misuse
  • Anti-psychotic medicines are usually more helpful than benzodiazepines
  • Levomepromazine is a more sedative anti-psychotic than haloperidol
  • Try non-drug methods to relieve agitation first
Specific treatments according to cause (may be multifactorial)


Initial approach to treatment

Drugs (including opioids, anticholinergics, corticosteroids, benzodiazepines, antidepressants, sedatives)
Reduce the dose or stop offending drug of safe to do so 
Opioid toxicity (myoclonic jerks, slow breathing, recent dose increase) If this is suspected, consider reducing the opioid by 30-50% or an opioid switch 
Drug withdrawal  (alcohol, benzodiazepines, antidepressants, nicotine, opioids) May need sedation if very agitated Nicotine patches can help
Dehydration (recent vomiting or diarrhoea, reduced swallowing) Stop diuretics. May need admission depending on severity and ability to rehydrate orally
Physical causes of discomfort including including pain, nausea, constipation, urinary retention, itching due to opioids or organ failure
  • uncontrolled pain - see Pain
  • full bladder - catheter
  • faecal impaction - laxatives / enema if appropriate
  • nausea - see Nausea & Vomiting
  • pruritus from opioid - consider antihistamine
Metabolic causes(hypoxia, hypercalcaemia, renal and liver failure, hypoglycaemia) Reverse if appropriate - may need admission 
Infection According to cause
Hypoxia (or CO2 retention in COPD) Oxygen may help (or may be too high in cases of COPD)
Cerebral tumour  Dexamethasone
Spiritual and psychological distress
Calm reassurance. Exploration of 'unfinished business'. Music may help. Faith input if relevant.


Recommended Resources

Scottish Palliative Care Guidelines - Delirium

Published 25th August 2020

PANG Guidelines Quick Guide Agitation and Restlessness

Published 16th October 2016


Related Services

Community Palliative Care Team - based at Meadow House Hospice

Community Palliative Care Team - based at Meadow House Hospice

T. 020 8967 5179


The Community Specialist Palliative Care Nurse Team provides advice and visiting to palliative care patients in Ealing and Hounslow. The team are based at Meadow House Hospice.

The team will visit patients with progressive life limiting illness in their own homes. They provide specialist advice around pain and symptom control and support for patients, their families, and carers during the last stages of illness. They also support patients wishing to die at home through coordination with GPs and hospital teams.

The team is comprised of medical consultants, specialist nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers, a bereavement support officer and a patient and carer advocacy worker

The team can be contacted for referrals Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm.

Between Monday to Friday 5.00pm and 8.30am, the Out of Hours Telephone Advice line 020 8102 5000 takes calls. Weekends and Bank Holidays 5.00pm to 9.00am.

Referral form for clinician use only.

Community Specialist Palliative Care Referral Form V4 (DOCX)

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