Services: search results for ‘palliative care team’
A quick search directory of national, regional and borough based clinical services
Hillingdon Community Palliative Care Team
T. 01895 485235
Hillingdon Palliative Care Team (hosted by NHS CNWL) provides specialist advice and visiting to palliative care patients living in Hillingdon. Each GP practice has their own named Clinical Nurse Specialist ( CNS ). A Triage CNS manages calls and referrals each day and they have the option to escalate to consultants if needed.
They can be contacted Monday to Friday 8.00am to 4.30pm excluding bank holidays.
Out of hours phone Michael Sobell Hospice 24 hour Advice Line on 020 3824 1268
Referral form for clinician use only.
24 hour Advice Line Michael Sobell Hospice
T. 0203 824 1268
Offers support and advice on palliative care issues to GPs, Care Homes, District Nurses and hospital doctors.
It is also an Advice Line for patients and families who live in Hillingdon and need advice on any aspect of palliative care.
The Advice Line is answered by hospice nurses in the Inpatient Unit and queries are escalated to the on-call palliative medical team if needed.
Harlington Hospice provides a wide range of palliative care services to the residents of Hillingdon and surrounding areas.
The Hospice hosts a Wellbeing Service (shared with Michael Sobell Hospice), complementary therapies, counselling, lymphoedema service and the CABS team supporting children and adolescents.
The Hospice also hosts Harlington Hospice@Home team, mainly providing night sits, plus inpatient beds based at Michael Sobell Hospice (MSH) in Northwood.
Referral form for clinician use only.