Pruritis: Information for clinicians

This information is inspired by Dr Tony Duffy 

Pruritus/itch can be incredibly disruptive causing pain, insomnia and infection from excessive scratching.

Itch in palliative care falls into two groups – the cause will guide treatment:

  1. Histamine-induced: e.g. opioids or allergic dermatitis
  2. Non-histamine induced: e.g. cholestasis/jaundice or renal failure
Red flags

Don’t just prescribe an anti-histamine e.g. chlorphenamine, without thinking about the cause. This will cause sedation without helping the itch if it is not histamine-induced.

Key clinical features for a clinician to assess in the community
  • Review underlying diagnosis e.g. liver disease, renal failure, cancer.
  • Consider primary skin disease e.g. eczema or psoriasis
  • Medication review e.g. opioids can cause itch but any new medication could be the cause
  • Signs or symptoms of common infection – e.g. candidiasis, scabies
An initial approach to treatment
  • Stop offending drugs or reduce dose
  • For opioid-induced itch try an anti-histamine
  • Blood tests: full blood count, ferritin, c-reactive protein, urea and electrolytes, liver function tests, bone profile, thyroid function tests, blood glucose
  • Menthol 2%-5% in aqueous cream has the best evidence as counter-irritant but any emolient may help
  • Consider a sedating antihistamine, such as Hydroxyzine 25mg at night, if confident that the pruritis is mediated by histamine release
Specific treatments according to cause


Initial approach to treatment

Opioid induced itch mediated by histamine release

Other medicines e.g. antibiotics

Anti-histamine such as:

  • Chlorphenamine (Piriton) 4mg b.d.
  • Hydroxyzine 25mg at night (sedating)
  • Loratadine 10mg daily (less sedating)

Consider: switch to different opioid

Consider: Ondansetron up to 4-8mg b.d. (constipating)

Cholestatic jaundice

  • Sertraline 25mg-50mg
  • Mirtazepine 7.5mg-15mg
  • Steroids e.g. Dexamethasone 4mg-8mg (not long term)

Itch is not histamine related

Consider: Biliary stenting

Chronic kidney disease->uraemia

  • Gabapentin 100mg t.d.s. can be very effective
  • Sertraline 25mg-50mg
  • Mirtazepine 7.5mg-15mg

Itch is not histamine related


Steroids can reduce lymphoma itch dramatically

Consider: Cimetidine 400mg b.d.

Paraneoplastic or Unknown


  • Capsaicin cream
  • Menthol in aqueous cream (Dermacool)


  • Sertraline 25mg-50mg
  • Mirtazepine 7.5mg-15mg

If no better, try Chlorphenamine or Loratidine

If none of the above help, then speak to your local palliative care team for more ideas.


Recommended Resources

Isle of Wight Palliative Care Symptom Control Guidelines

Published 28th May 2021

JPSM Chronic Pruritus: Histamine Is Not Always the Answer

Published 1st May 2015


Related Services

24 hour Advice Line Michael Sobell Hospice

24 hour Advice Line Michael Sobell Hospice

T. 0203 824 1268

Offers support and advice on palliative care issues to GPs, Care Homes, District Nurses and hospital doctors.

It is also an Advice Line for patients and families who live in Hillingdon and need advice on any aspect of palliative care. 

The Advice Line is answered by hospice nurses in the Inpatient Unit and queries are escalated to the on-call palliative medical team if needed.

Hillingdon Community Palliative Care Team

Hillingdon Palliative Care Team (hosted by NHS CNWL) provides specialist advice and visiting to palliative care patients living in Hillingdon. Each GP practice has their own named Clinical Nurse Specialist ( CNS ). A Triage CNS manages calls and referrals each day and they have the option to escalate to consultants if needed.

They can be contacted Monday to Friday 8.00am to 4.30pm excluding bank holidays.

Out of hours phone Michael Sobell Hospice 24 hour Advice Line on 020 3824 1268

Referral form for clinician use only.

Community Specialist Palliative Care Referral Form V4.1 (DOCX)

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