
Services: search results for ‘carers’

A quick search directory of national, regional and borough based clinical services 

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Carers Trust Hillingdon offer support and guidance to unpaid carers of all ages throughout the London Borough of Hillingdon.

They provide information, advice, training and support and a range of Fact Sheets on their website.

Telephone advice centre open every day 10am to 4pm or email with enquiry to email address above.

Benefits and legal advice also available.

They have a team specifically to support young carers.

Marie Curie

T. 0800 090 2309

W. https://www.mariecurie.org.uk/

Marie Curie provide support for patients and carers through terminal illness.

Find information and support through the telephone helpline and online chat via their website.

Other services include Marie Curie nurses, Hospice care, helper and companion services.

Alzheimer’s Society

T. 0333 150 3456

W. https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/

The Alzheimer's Society dementia advisors can help people living with dementia and their carers. They can provide practical help and emotional support via the telephone support or the online community connecting those in similar situations.

Child Bereavement UK

T. 0800 02 888 40

W. https://www.childbereavementuk.org/

Offer a telephone support service for bereaved young people up to age 25, their families/ carers or individuals or families who have lost a child. 


British Heart Foundation

T. 0300 330 3311

W. https://www.bhf.org.uk/

The British Heart Foundation provides information on heart and circulatory diseases.

Patients and carers can get support through the online support groups and communities, advice and guidance about heart and circulatory conditions and managing risk factors.

Macmillan Psychological Support Service in Oncology and Palliative Care Hillingdon

T. 01895 279374

W. https://www.cnwl.nhs.uk/services/community-services/hillingdon-macmillan-clinical-psychology-service-oncology-and-palliative-care

This service provides outpatient and inpatient assessments and psychological therapy service for patients with cancer and palliative conditions, and their carers. Home visits can be provided under certain circumstances.

Service opening is Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm (closed on public holidays).

The Child and Adolescent Bereavement Service (CABS) run by Harlington Hospice provides support for children and young people aged between the ages of 4-17 and their families/ carers who live in Hillingdon and who have been bereaved or who have a loved one with a life-limiting diagnosis. 

Referrals are accepted via email from schools, healthcare professionals, parents/ carers and young people over 16. 

CABS offers 1:1 counselling, group sessions and family sessions.



Adult Social Care provides practical support to people to stay safe and well.  These services are usually provided in people's homes, care homes or in the community. Thre is also support for people who are caring for an adult family member or friend, access to personal care and home care services.

Grief Encounter is a national charity offering a free helpline and online support for children and young people wishing to access bereavement support.

They also offers counselling support in classrooms, online or at their premises in North London. A referral form is available on their website.

Halo is a new charity in Hillingdon supporting bereaved children, young people and their families. They hold a monthly drop-in support group in Uxbridge, offer peer support, a bereavement book library, counselling and much more. A referral form is available on their website.

Young Minds is a national charity which supports both young people, their parents and loved ones through loss.